app2000 : Your PWS in your pocket.
Posted on 22 mayo, 2016 Sonotrigger Software release «app2000», a free app, no-ads, for Android (Google Play) and iOS Apple (iTunes). The app2000, display the Personal Weather Station HP2000- HP1000 by FOSHK information in your mobile device (tablet or phone; wifi or data). The app run indoor with direct wifi link to your PSW (similar a EasyweatherIP) and outdoor with Wunderground data conexion (4G, …).. HP2000 by FOSHK is export by MISOL IMPORT & EXPORT with product number WS-HP2K-1 . Maybe this app work fine with clons models: HP1000 by FOSHK. Ambient Weather models WS-1001-WIFI OBSERVER and WS-1200-IP . WeatherRanger® by Aercus Intruments. Watson W8681-Pro Professional WI-FI weather Maplin Professional Solar Powered Wi-Fi Weather Statio PROFI FARB-WETTERSTATION WIFI by CONRAD HP1000 WIFI by Froggit ws-hp2k-1by misolie ( alexnld, bang...