Personal Weather Station Monitoring


PWS (Personal Weather Station) traditionally monitored by a display.  Weather Underground Internet Server (a «de facto» standard) allow you upload PWS data periodically and consult it by web or  app, for free.

When we selecting, for its magnificent quality / price ratio, the weather station WH2600 Schwarz by FOSHK  we was clear that displays was inflexible, expensive and unnecessary  for monitoring …

The weather station WH2600 of Foshk is available in:

Now myPWS is  a PWS monitor available in Google Play. It’s  tested for Renkforce WH2600 & Weather Logger v1.1.0, which is for sale in CONRAD.

At home myPSW access to the data of the external and internal sensor (indoor temperature and humidity) because it direct access to the bridge IP (refresh time typical 8 «-12»), out home only the external sensor because access to Weather Underground server.

When ADSL router or Bridge is reset (feed down,…) then bridge
local IP can change (you no can view, at home, the  indoor humidity  and  temperature).  You must search,fit and put the new IP in the myPSW app.

The default is ICOMUNID25 station in Valencia (Spain)



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