myMeteobridge: your Metrobridge mobile


myMeteobridge is a Personal Weather Stations (PWS) Monitor based on the popular solution Meteobridge for display meteo data anywhere, anytime, in your mobiledevice (iOS or Android)

The Meteobridge software is distributed by Meteobridge, and you can buy a ready-to-go Meteobridge device in AmbientWeather as «WeatherBridge» ,…

This app has been tested and work fine with HW(TP-LINK TL-MR3020) + SW (Meteobridge 2.9, build 9941, FW 1.4)

The app access to Meteobridge with local network, when available, and together with the data from the external sensor (Outdoor) shows the internal sensor (Indoor), and otherwise access the Internet server Wunderground  where with increased latency and containing only the data from the external sensor.


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